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Training the Learner on the basic principles of studying the Word of God. This will lay the foundation and skill learners for future studies at any tertiary institute – as this training is in line with the standards as prescribed by global universities.
We will look at the importance of studying the Word of God as the primary and highest form of worship. The attitude and importance of servanthood and applying a servant heart in all areas of your life
Background of where the church went wrong? History of the church
Proof of the authenticity of the bible as the word of God. Bible and bible interpretation.
Where do we fit into Abba Father’s larger plan?
Identifying and restoration of the true body/bride of Messiah
What happened to the original word of God and the dangers of “man’s opinion”
How God uses feasts as a dress rehearsal for His salvation plan! Is there a deeper meaning in this painting of the feasts?
What is my responsibility as a believer with regards to the patterns and shadows of things to come and how do I understand it in building a faith community?
What about the Sabbath? We will study the principles of conducting services.
Why does Abba Father us a wedding as a typology for His salvation plan and return? What is the true significance of a bride and a groom?
Typologies of Christ herein? How do I interpret prophecies in the bible?

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